Rock n’ Roll Camp for Girls Los Angeles is a social justice non-profit dedicated to empowering girls and gender-expansive youth through music.
We’ve had to cancel this year’s in-person camp sessions because of COVID-19.
We’re now transitioning to an online summer camp experience called ROCK CAMP EXPRESS (RCX), and we hope you will join us!
We’re committed to providing a safe and supportive space for girls and gender-expansive youth – even if it’s online!
There are 4 programs to choose from over the course of 3 weeks.
Click on a program name to learn more and apply:
Instrument Instruction: July 6-11. [Apply Here]
Songwriting: July 13-18. [Apply Here]
Recording: July 20-25. [Apply Here]
Music Video Program: July 6-18. [Apply Here]
Applications are due by Friday, June 19th.
Giving Tuesday!
Details + applications available March 1st.
2022 camp details coming soon!
Camper enrollment for 2021 is still open!
Summer Camp applications here.
Volunteer applications for all 2020 programs now available!
2020 Summer Camp dates are here!
Camper & Volunteer applications available March 1st.
Ladies Rock Camp is back!
Details and application available here.
Enrollment opens Monday, March 5th!
Volunteer applications available Monday, March 5th
Learn how to support Rock n’ Roll Camp for Girls Los Angeles
Read the recap about our First Ever Gala!
I love being in such a positive environment.
She feels strong, engaged, challenged, and accepted here.
I learned I can be loud.
[RCGLA] is the one thing she looks forward to more than anything else all year long.
It made me feel more confident and I made new friends.
Over the years, RCGLA has remained a shining light and source of strength, positivity, acceptance, and love.
Upcoming Events
What’s New?
Summer Camp 2021 Announcement
Dear Community,
We’re excited to share the news that we’re planning in-person and virtual camps for this summer!
Safety is our top priority as we navigate this new landscape of holding an in-person summer camp while children are not yet eligible to receive the COVID-19 vaccine. We will be following L.A. County Public Health guidelines and safety protocols.
The in-person camp experience will be very different from previous years. We’re confident that the spirit of camp will come through strongly as we come together safely, both in-person and virtually.
Summer Camp 2021
Session 1: June 21 – 25
10am – 3pm
At Immaculate Conception School
Session 2: June 28 – July 2
10am – 3pm
At Immaculate Conception School
Session 3: July 12 – 16
10am – 12pm
Important Dates & Deadlines:
May 7: Camp details and applications will be available at
May 14: Last day to submit applications.
May 18: Camper enrollment notifications will be sent and volunteer positions will be confirmed.
Many more details will be shared next week, including extensive information on safety measures. In the meantime, here are some basics to know about in-person camp:
- Capacity will be limited for campers and volunteers.
- Campers will be in bands and have instrument instruction.
- The […]
Black Women in Rock Roundtable
A YOUTH-LED ROUNDTABLE ABOUT BLACK WOMEN IN ROCK!? HECK YEAH!! Come join us online Saturday, March 27th for R-E-S-P-E-C-T: Black Women in Rock Women’s History Month Roundtable. Organized by Women’s Leadership Project, this youth-led Zoom roundtable celebrates Black women’s historic impact on American Rock music, featuring visionary guitar artists Ghetto Songbird, Malina Moye, Felice Rosser, and Jackie Venson! This event is FREE just registration is required to attend! Click here to register.
Giving Tuesday 2020
Although quite different from a typical year of camp, the virtual format of Rock n’ Roll Camp for Girls Los Angeles’ 2020 programming opened new doors and provided new perspectives. Campers joined from as far away as Europe and South America. Instead of campers going to camp, camp went into the homes of campers. Instead of being in a band, campers worked towards individual goals and we got to see each camper’s unique expression. Eight Music Video Program campers worked collectively to shoot one music video – entirely remotely! And we finally got to spend more time (a whole week) nerding out over audio and recording.
In the spring with an eight-week series of programming on Instagram Live and Zoom. Then in July, 54 campers participated in three weeks of virtual summer camp. Each week focused on either instrument instruction, songwriting, music video production, or recording, and included discussions on racial justice and mental health wellness, and visits from special guests joining in from different parts of the country. Laptops and instruments were provided to campers who needed them, and at the end of each week our “Sharecases” gave […]
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