“Girls Rock!” Movie Screening at Echo Park Film Center

“Girls Rock!” Movie Screening at Echo Park Film Center

Using music and the DIY ethic as methods of empowering girls and creating social change, Portland Oregon’s Rock n’ Roll Camp for Girls has been making an impact for nine years and has inspired 20 other similar camps to take root across the U.S. The 2005 documentary film “Girls Rock!” is insightful, entertaining and heartfelt as it follows the stories of four campers in Portland.

Come to the screening to learn more about Rock n’ Roll Camp for Girls Los Angeles, a volunteer-run organization intending to launch a similar camp in L.A. in 2010. All proceeds from the event help forward this mission.

Echo Park Film Center
1200 N. Alvarado St.
Los Angeles, 90026
8pm / $10

View the Trailer Here:

Wednesday, November 18, 2009|